How to connect the desktop application to a custom backend


This page explains how to connect the Wire desktop client to a custom Backend.


Install Wire either from the App Store, or download it from our website at (

Have a running Wire backend in your infrastructure/cloud.

Note down the full URL of the webapp served by that backend (e.g. )


  • Create a shortcut to the Wire application

  • Edit the shortcut ( Right click > Properties )

  • Add the following command line parameters to the shortcut: –env {URL}, where {URL} is the URL of your webapp as noted down above


To create the application

  • Open Automator

  • Click New application

  • Add the “Run shell script” phase

  • Type in the script panel the following command: open -b com.wearezeta.zclient.mac –args –env {URL}, where {URL} is the URL of your webapp as noted down above

  • Save the application from Automator (e.g. on your desktop or in Application)

  • To run the application: Just open the application you created in the first step


  • Open a Terminal

  • Start the application with the command line arguments: –env {URL}, where {URL} is the URL of your webapp as noted down above