Dependencies on operator’s machine


If you already installed Wire by using poetry, please refer to the old version of the installation guide.

In order to operate a wire-server installation, you’ll need a bunch of software like Ansible, kubectl and Helm. We provide a way to get all the needed dependencies for setting up and interacting with a wire-server cluster.

All dependencies for the wire-server-deploy project are managed using Git submodules, Nix and Direnv. We also provide a pre-built Docker container image with all the dependencies.

Step one is to fetch a release of wire-server-deploy and make sure all submodules are updated. This fetches all the required Ansible roles needed to run the wire Ansible playbooks.

git clone --branch master
cd wire-server-deploy
git submodule update --init --recursive

Next, there are two ways to get all the required binaries for operating Wire.

(Option 1) Installing dependencies using Direnv and Nix

  1. Install Nix

  2. Install Direnv

  3. Optionally install the Wire cachix cache to download binaries

Now, enabling direnv should install all the dependencies and add them to your PATH. Every time you cd into the wire-server-deploy directory, the right dependencies will be available.

direnv allow

ansible --version
ansible 2.9.12

(Option 2) Installing dependencies using Docker image

We provide a Docker container image containing all the dependencies. On your machine you need to have the docker binary available. Run:

sudo apt install

Or see how to install docker.

Then, after downloading your copy of wire-server-deploy, you can run the container when you’re in the wire-server-deploy directory to have all the dependencies and commands available needed for the deployment.

sudo docker run -it --network=host \
     -v ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK:-nonexistent}:/ssh-agent \
     -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
     -v $PWD:/wire-server-deploy \
     -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent \
     $WSD_CONTAINER bash

# Inside the container
bash-4.4# ansible --version
ansible 2.9.12

Once you have gone through with either of these options, you can move on to installing kubernetes