

It is strongly recommended to have followed and completed the demo installation Installing wire-server (demo) components using helm before continuing with this page. The demo installation is simpler, and already makes you aware of a few things you need (TLS certs, DNS, a VM, …).


All required dependencies for doing an installation can be found here Dependencies on operator’s machine.

A production installation consists of several parts:

Part 1 - you’re on your own here, and need to create a set of VMs as detailed in Production installation (persistent data, high-availability)

Part 2 (Installing kubernetes and databases on VMs with ansible) deals with installing components directly on a set of virtual machines, such as kubernetes itself, as well as databases. It makes use of ansible to achieve that.

Part 3 (Installing wire-server (production) components using Helm) is similar to the demo installation, and uses the tool helm to install software on top of kubernetes.

Part 4 (Part 3 - configuration options in a production setup) details other possible configuration options and settings to fit your needs.

What will be installed by following these parts?

  • highly-available and persistent databases (cassandra, elasticsearch)

  • kubernetes

  • restund (audio/video calling) servers ( see also Restund (TURN) servers)

  • wire-server (API) - user accounts, authentication, conversations - assets handling (images, files, …) - notifications over websocket - single-sign-on with SAML

  • wire-webapp

    • fully functioning web client (like

  • wire-account-pages

    • user account management (a few pages relating to e.g. password reset)

What will not be installed?

  • notifications over native push notification via FCM/APNS

What will not be installed by default?

  • 3rd party proxying - requires accounts with third-party providers

  • team-settings page for team management (including invitations, requires access to a private repository - get in touch with us for access)

Getting support

Get in touch.

Next steps for high-available production installation

Your next step will be part 2, Installing kubernetes and databases on VMs with ansible