This section is about how to perform a specific task. If you want to understand how a certain component works, please see Reference
The rest of the page assumes you installed using the ansible playbooks from wire-server-deploy
For any command below, first ssh into the server:
ssh <name or IP of the VM>
This section only covers the bare minimum, for more information, see the cassandra documentation
Check the health of a Cassandra node
To check the health of a Cassandra node, run the following command:
ssh <ip of cassandra node> /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool status
or if you are running a newer version of wire-server (altough it should be backwards compatibile)
ssh <ip of cassandra node> /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h ::FFFF: status
You should see a list of nodes like this:
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 9.51MiB 256 100.0% 3dba71c8-eea7-4e35-8f35-4386e7944894 rack1
UN 9.53MiB 256 100.0% 3af56f1f-7685-4b5b-b73f-efdaa371e96e rack1
at the begginng of the line, refers to a node that is Up
and Normal
You can also check the logs of the cassandra server with
journalctl -u cassandra.service
How to inspect tables and data manually
# from the cqlsh shell
describe keyspaces
use <keyspace>;
describe tables;
select * from <tablename> WHERE <primarykey>=<some-value> LIMIT 10;
If your local install does not have cqlsh available, you can use docker instead:
sudo docker run -it --rm cassandra:3.11 cqlsh 9042
How to rolling-restart a cassandra cluster
For maintenance you may need to restart the cluster.
On each server one by one:
check your cluster is healthy:
nodetool status
ornodetool -h ::FFFF: status
(in newer versions)nodetool drain && systemctl stop cassandra
(to stop accepting writes and flush data to disk; then stop the process)do any operation you need, if any
Start the cassandra daemon process:
systemctl start cassandra
Wait for your cluster to be healthy again.
Do the same on the next server.