- Architecture Overview
- Single Sign-On and User Provisioning
- Audio/video calling, restund servers (TURN/STUN)
- Conference Calling 2.0 (aka SFT)
- Federated Conference Calling
- Minio
- Helm
- Federation
- Connecting Wire Clients
- Client API documentation
- Crypto libraries and sources of randomness
- Block personal user creation
- Classified Domains
- Federation
- Summary of necessary steps to configure federation
- Choose a Backend Domain
- Consequences of the choice of a backend domain
- DNS setup for federation
- Generate and configure TLS server and client certificates
- Configure helm charts: federator and ingress and webapp subcharts
- Applying all configuration changes
- Manually test that your configurations work as expected
- Installing and setting up Legal Hold
- Messaging Layer Security (MLS)
- User Searchability
- Server and team feature settings