Server and team feature settings

Features can be enabled or disabled on a team level or server wide. Here we will only cover the server wide configuration.

When a feature’s lock status is unlocked it means that its settings can be overridden on a team level by team admins. This can be done via the team management app or via the team feature API and is not covered here.

2nd factor password challenge

By default Wire enforces a 2nd factor authentication for certain user operations like e.g. activating an account, changing email or password, or deleting an account.

If the sndFactorPasswordChallenge feature is enabled, a 6 digit verification code will be send per email to authenticate for additional user operations like e.g. for login, adding a new client, generating SCIM tokens, or deleting a team.

After 3 attempts, the key is invalidated, and requests for generating new verification codes are rate limited. The default delay between two consecutive requests is 5 minutes.

Usually the default is what you want. If you explicitly want to enable additional password challenges, add the following to your Helm overrides in values/wire-server/values.yaml:

  # ...
    # ...
      # ...
        # ...
            status: enabled
            lockStatus: locked

Note that the lock status is required but has no effect, as it is currently not supported for team admins to enable or disable sndFactorPasswordChallenge. We recommend to set the lock status to locked.

Currently the 2nd factor password challenge if enabled has no effect for SSO users.

As there is currently no feasible way for bots to use the 2nd factor password challenge, bots and the service API are blocked when this feature is enabled.

Rate limiting of code generation requests

The default delay between code generation requests is 5 minutes. This setting can be overridden in the Helm charts:

  # ...
    # ...
      # ...
      set2FACodeGenerationDelaySecs: 300 # 5 minutes

TTL for nonces

Nonces that can be retrieved e.g. by calling HEAD /nonce/clients have a default time-to-live of 5 minutes. To change this setting add the following to your Helm overrides in values/wire-server/values.yaml:

  # ...
    # ...
      # ...
      setNonceTtlSecs: 360 # 6 minutes

MLS End-to-End Identity

The MLS end-to-end identity team feature adds an extra level of security and practicability. If turned on, automatic device authentication ensures that team members know they are communicating with people using authenticated devices. Team members get a certificate on all their devices.

When a client first tries to fetch or renew a certificate, they may need to login to an identity provider (IdP) depending on their IdP domain authentication policy. The user may have a grace period during which they can “snooze” this login. The duration of this grace period (in seconds) is set in the verificationDuration parameter, which is enforced separately by each client. After the grace period has expired, the client will not allow the user to use the application until they have logged to refresh the certificate. The default value is 1 day (86400s).

The client enrolls using the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol RFC 8555. The acmeDiscoveryUrl parameter must be set to the HTTPS URL of the ACME server discovery endpoint for this team. It is of the form “https://acme.{backendDomain}/acme/{provisionerName}/discovery”. For example:

useProxyOnMobile is an optional field. If true, mobile clients should use the CRL proxy. If missing, null or false, mobile clients should not use the CRL proxy.

crlProxy contains the URL to the CRL proxy. (Not that this field is optional in the server config, but mandatory when the team feature is updated via the team feature API.)

  # ...
    # ...
      # ...
        # ...
            status: disabled
              verificationExpiration: 86400
              acmeDiscoveryUrl: null
              useProxyOnMobile: true
            lockStatus: unlocked

MLS Migration

The MLS migration configuration determines client behaviour related to migration from Proteus to MSL, and defines the criteria enforced by the backend when a conversation is finally migrated to MLS.

The settings are the following:

  • startTime: migration start timestamp. Once this time arrives, clients will initialise the migration process (no migration-related action will take place before that time). If the migration feature is enabled, but startTime value is not set (or is set to null), migration is never started.

  • finaliseRegardlessAfter: timestamp of the date by which the migration must be finalised.

  • usersThreshold: percentage of migrated users needed for migration to finalise (0-100).

  • clientsThreshold: percentage of migrated clients needed for migration to finalise (0-100).

All of the migration finalisation values are technically optional, but at least one of them must be specified for the configuration to be valid. If finaliseRegardlessAfter is not set, usersThreshold or clientsThreshold should be specified. In case both usersThreshold and clientsThreshold are specified, even if one of them is set to 0, both have to be fulfilled for the migration to be finalised.

The finaliseRegardlessAfter timestamp determines a time after which the threshold criteria are dropped, and finalisation is allowed in any case.

An example configuration follows:

  # ...
    # ...
      # ...
        # ...
            status: enabled
              startTime: "2024-05-16T00:00:00.000Z"
              finaliseRegardlessAfter: "2024-10-17T00:00:00.000Z"
              usersThreshold: 100
              clientsThreshold: 50
            lockStatus: locked