Installing Restund


Restund servers allow two users on different networks to have a Wire audio or video call.

Please refer to the following section to better understand Restund and how it works.

Installation instructions

To Install Restund, do the following:

  1. In your hosts.ini file, in the [restund:vars] section, set the restund_network_interface to the name of the interface you want restund to talk to clients on. This value defaults to the default_ipv4_address, with a fallback to eth0.

  2. (optional) restund_peer_udp_advertise_addr=Y.Y.Y.Y: set this to the IP to advertise for other restund servers if different than the ip on the ‘restund_network_interface’. If using ‘restund_peer_udp_advertise_addr’, make sure that UDP (!) traffic from any restund server (including itself) can reach that IP (for restund <-> restund communication). This should only be necessary if you’re installing restund on a VM that is reachable on a public IP address but the process cannot bind to that public IP address directly (e.g. on AWS VPC VM). If unset, restund <-> restund UDP traffic will default to the IP in the restund_network_interface.

restund01         ansible_host=X.X.X.X


## Set the network interface name for restund to bind to if you have more than one network interface
## If unset, defaults to the ansible_default_ipv4 (if defined) otherwise to eth0
restund_network_interface = eth0

(see `defaults/main.yml <>`__ for a full list of variables to change if necessary)
  1. Place a copy of the PEM formatted certificate and key you are going to use for TLS communication to the restund server in /tmp/tls_cert_and_priv_key.pem. Remove it after you have completed deploying restund with ansible.

  2. Use Ansible to actually install using the restund playbook:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini restund.yml -vv

For information on setting up and using ansible-playbook to install Wire components, see this page.

Private Subnets

By default, Restund is configured with a firewall that filters-out CIDR networks.

If you need to enable Restund to connect to a CIDR addressed host or network, you can specify a list of private subnets in CIDR format, which will override Restund’s firewall’s default settings of filtering-out CIDR networks.

You do this by setting the restund_allowed_private_network_cidrs option of the [restund:vars] section of the ansible inventory file (for example this file):

## Set the network interface name for restund to bind to if you have more than one network interface
## If unset, defaults to the ansible_default_ipv4 (if defined) otherwise to eth0
# restund_network_interface = eth0

This is needed, for example, to allow talking to the logging server if it is on a separate network:

The private subnets only need to override the RFC-defined private networks, which Wire firewalls off by default:

  • 192.168.x.x

  • 10.x.x.x

  • 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x

  • Etc…