Federation API Conventions

  • All endpoints must start with /federation/

  • All path segments must be in kebab-case, and only consist of alphanumeric characters. The name the field in the record must be the same name in camelCase.

  • There must be exactly one segment after /federation/, so /federation/foo is valid, but /federation/foo/bar is not.

  • All endpoints must be POST.

  • No query query params or captured path params, all information that needs to go must go in body.

  • All responses must be 200 OK, domain specific failures (e.g. the conversation doesn’t exist) must be indicated as a Sum type. Unhandled failures can be 5xx, an endpoint not being implemented will of course return 404. But we shouldn’t pile onto these. This keeps the federator simple.

  • Accept only json, respond with only json. Maybe we can think of changing this in future. But as of now, the federator hardcodes application/json as the content type of the body.

  • Ensure that paths don’t collide between brig and galley federation API, this will be very helpful when we merge brig and galley.

  • The name of the path segment after /federation/ must be either <imperative-verb>-<object> or on-<subject>-<past-tense-verb>, e.g. get-conversations or on-conversation-created.

    How to decide which one to use:

    • If the request is supposed to ask for information/change from another backend which has authority over that information, like send a message or leave a conversation, then use the first format like send-message or leave-conversation.

    • If the request is supposed to notify a backend about something the caller of this request has authority on, like a conversation got created, or a message is sent, then use the second format like on-conversation-created or on-message-sent

    A call graph of the API endpoints the can call to federation members is included below.

    Federation call graph