
We currently use Servant for the public (i.e. client-facing) API in brig, galley and spar, as well as for their federation (i.e. server-to-server) and internal API.

Client-facing APIs are defined in Wire.API.Routes.Public.{Brig,Galley}. Internal APIs are all over the place at the moment. Federation APIs are in Wire.API.Federation.API.{Brig,Galley}.

Our APIs are able to generate Swagger documentation semi-automatically using servant-swagger2. The schema-profunctor library (see in libs/schema-profunctor) is used to create “schemas” for the input and output types used in the Servant APIs. A schema contains all the information needed to serialise/deserialise JSON values, as well as the documentation and metadata needed to generate Swagger.


We have employed a few custom combinators to try to keep HTTP concerns and vocabulary out of the API handlers that actually implement the functionality of the API.


This is a family of combinators to handle the headers that nginx adds to requests. We currently have:

  • ZUser: extracts the UserId in the Z-User header.

  • ZLocalUser: same as ZUser, but as a Local object (i.e. qualified by the local domain); this is useful when writing federation-aware handlers.

  • ZConn: extracts the ConnId in the Z-Connection header.

  • ZConversation: extracts the ConvId in the Z-Conversation header.


This is an alternative to UVerb, designed to prevent any HTTP-specific information from leaking into the type of the handler. Use this for endpoints that can return multiple responses.


This can be used to add an error response to the Swagger documentation. In services that use polysemy for error handling (currently only Galley), it also adds a corresponding error effect to the type of the handler. The argument of CanThrow can be of a custom kind, usually a service-specific error kind (such as GalleyError, BrigError, etc…), but kind * can also be used.

Note that error types can also be turned into MultiVerb responses using the ErrorResponse combinator. This is useful for handlers that can return errors as part of their return type, instead of simply throwing them as IO exceptions or using polysemy. If an error is part of MultiVerb, there is no need to also report it with CanThrow.


This is a capture combinator for a path that looks like /:domain/:value, where value is of some arbitrary type a. The value is returned as a value of type Qualified a, which can then be used in federation-aware endpoints.

Named, and internal route IDs in swagger

There is also a combinator Named that allows developers to jump back and forth between the swagger docs (see Swagger API documentation) and source code: from the swagger docs, copy the internal route ID and full-text-search it in wire-server/{libs,services}. That will give you both the routing table type and the handler.

Route internal IDs need to instantiate the Renderable class in order to be inserted into the swagger docs. The instance should satisfy the property that the ID, as rendered can be copied and fed to grep to find its occurrances behind Nameds in the source code.

The initial reason to introduce Named was increased type safety: if two handlers have the same type, they can have be Named differently and thus confusing them will be caught by the type checker.

Error handling

Several layers of error handling are involved when serving a request. A handler in service code (e.g. Brig or Galley) can:

  1. return a value on the Right;

  2. return a value on the Left;

  3. throw an IO exception.

The Handler Servant.Handler function, together with Servant’s internal response creation logic, will, respectively:

  1. produce a normal response;

  2. produce an error response, possibly logging the error;

  3. (ignore any IO exceptions, and let them bubble up).

Finally, the error-catching middleware catchErrors in Network.Wai.Utilities.Server will:

  1. let normal responses through;

  2. depending on the status code:

    • if < 500, let the error through;

    • if >= 500, wrap the error response in a JSON error object (if it is not already one), and log it at error level.

  3. catch the exception, turn it into a JSON error object, and log it. The log level depends on the status code (error for 5xx, debug otherwise).