Developer how-to’s

The following assume you have a working developer environment with all the dependencies listed in ./ available to you.

If you want to deploy to the CI kubernetes cluster (how-tos below), you need to set the KUBECONFIG env var, where $cailleach_repo is replaced by your local checkout of the cailleach repository.

export KUBECONFIG=$cailleach_repo/environments/kube-ci/kubeconfig.dec

Check that this file exists by running ls $KUBECONFIG.

How to look at the swagger docs / UI locally

Terminal 1:

  • Set up backing services: ./deploy/dockerephemeral/

Terminal 2:

  • Build and start wire-server services: make c && ./dist/run-services

Open your browser at: http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui for a list of API verions.

Also check out the docs for swagger in our staging environment: Swagger / OpenAPI documentation. Replace the staging domain by localhost:8080 to get to your local build.

How to run federation tests across two backends


  • helm and kubectl available on your PATH

  • access to a kubernetes cluster via e.g. a ~/.kube/config file.

The process consists of:

  1. Inspect/change the multi-backend tests

  2. Deploy two backends to kubernetes cluster

  3. Run multi-backend test half-locally half-on-kubernetes or fully on kubernetes

  4. Teardown

Inspect/change the multi-backend test code

Refer to services/brig/test/integration/API/Federation/End2End.hs for the current multi-backend tests.

Note that they only run if INTEGRATION_FEDERATION_TESTS is set to 1. This is currently configured to be OFF when running regular brig integration tests (e.g. via make -C services/brig integration) but is by default ON when running tests on kubernetes or on CI, or when using the services/brig/ script.

Deploy two backends to kubernetes cluster

Decide which code you would like to deploy. The following options are detailed in the subsections below.

  • 2.1 Deploy the the latest compiled code from develop

  • 2.2 Deploy code from your pull request

  • 2.3 Deploy your local code to a kind cluster

Deploy the the latest compiled code from develop

First, find the latest CI-compiled code made available as docker images:

# Run all commands from the top directory of wire-server
make latest-tag

Output might be

latest tag for brig:
latest tag for nginz:

Let’s assume the tags are the same(*) for both, then export an environment variable:

export DOCKER_TAG=2.104.11
export NAMESPACE="myname"
make kube-integration-setup

This will create two full installations of wire-server on the kubernetes cluster you’ve configured to connect to, and should take ~10 minutes. The namespaces will be $NAMESPACE and $NAMESPACE-fed2.


make latest-tag gives different tags for brig and nginz:

  • maybe CI hasn’t finished, or failed. Look at concourse (kubernetes-dev pipeline)

Deploy code from your pull request

Note: CI already runs multi-backend federation integration tests on your PR, so this section may not be often useful in practice. This is still documented for completeness and to help understand the relation between source code and compiled docker images on CI.

Check CI for the latest tag that has been created on your PR (expect this to take at least 30-60 minutes from the last time you pushed to your branch). Example:

Look at a successful job in the wire-server-pr pipeline from a job bruild matching your desired PR and commit hash. Then, find the actual docker tag used.


# PR 1438 commit 7a183b2dbcf019df1af3d3b97604edac72eca762 translates to
export DOCKER_TAG=0.0.1-pr.3684
export NAMESPACE="myname"
make kube-integration-setup

Deploy your local code to a kind cluster

This can be useful to get quicker feedback while working on multi-backend code or configuration (e.g. helm charts) than to wait an hour for CI. This allows you to test code without uploading it to github and waiting an hour for CI.

FUTUREWORK: this process is in development (update this section after it’s confirmed to work):

Run tests in kind
  1. Create a local kind cluster with make kind-cluster

  2. Upload images in docker-daemon running inside kind with make kind-upload-images

    Note: First time all the images need to be uploaded. When working on one service it can be selectively uploaded using make kind-upload-image-<name> (e.g. make kind-upload-image-brig).

  3. Install wire-server using make kind-integration-setup.

  4. Run tests using make kind-integration-test.

  5. Run end2end integration tests: make kind-integration-e2e.

Deploy your local code to a kubernetes cluster

This sections describes how partially update a release with a local build of a service, in this example brig.

Start by deploying a published release (see 2.1 or 2.2).

export DOCKER_TAG=2.116.32
make kube-integration-setup

Then build and push the brig image by running


To update the release with brig’s local image run

./hack/bin/ "$DOCKER_TAG_LOCAL_BUILD" brig

Run multi-backend tests

Run all integration tests on kubernetes

  • takes ~10 minutes to run

  • test output is delayed until all tests have run. You will have to scroll the output to find the relevant multi-backend test output.

  • tests run entirely on kubernetes.

  • includes running the federation multi-backend tests by default (see also section (1))

make kube-integration-test

Run only the multi-backend tests

  • runs faster (~ half a minute)

  • test output is shown dynamically as tests run

  • business logic code runs on kubernetes, but the test executable runs on your local computer (which connects using telepresence)

  1. ensure you have compiled brig-integration: make -C services/brig fast

  2. ensure you have telepresence installed (see developer dependencies documentation)

  3. Run the actual tests, (takes half a minute):

./services/brig/ "$NAMESPACE"

Note that this runs your locally compiled brig-integration, so this allows to easily change test code locally with the following process:

  1. change code under services/brig/test/integration/Federation/

  2. recompile: make -C services/brig fast

  3. run ./services/brig/ test-$USER again.

Run selected integration tests on kubernetes

To run selective tests from brig-integration:

helm -n $NAMESPACE get hooks $NAMESPACE-wire-server | yq '.' | jq -r 'select( | contains("brig-integration"))' > /tmp/integration-pod

# optional: edit the test pattern /tmp/integration-pod

kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f /tmp/integration-pod


To destroy all the resources on the kubernetes cluster that have been created run


Note: Simply deleting the namespaces is insufficient, because it leaves some resources (of kind ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding) that cause problems when redeploying to the same namespace via helm.

How to manage RabbitMQ

We support two different ways of managing the docker-compose instance of rabbitmq:

  • A web console interface is available here

  • rabbitmqadmin CLI is made available in the dev environment